Monday, April 14, 2008


In my service learning group all we really did was talk with each other and the teacher. In my group we talked about what we wanted to do with our service learning. We did not really come up with anything in the group. It was kinda a waste.

three postivies

1. Mostly ever body got along in our group. so I know we are not going to have so many conflicts between the students because we all got along with each other.

2. Our group is small. That is good because sometimes when there is a big group of people trying to talk about a big topic such as service learning. With so many people trying to talk it wont work.

3. A good amount of people including me in the group did this same service learning last year so we were able to talk to the 9th graders about what we did last year.

three Negatives

1. Somebody acted liked they anit want to be in the group so they did not really care about it.

2. It was to funny some people were not getting along but I found it very funny.

3. I don't think this group id going to get to far I dont see where we are going with this. I dont understand why we can't do what we did last year.

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