Friday, February 29, 2008

CHAPTER 2 {Bigger's Every day Life]

Chapter 2 Summary
Pages 27 to 46

In this chapter Bigger and G.H go to the movie theater while waiting to meet at the pool hall at three. At the movie theater they masterbated to a movie. After they went to the movies they parted ways and Bigger went home to get his gun and his knife. He had to sneak in though so his mother would not stop him and ask him what he was up to. After leaving there he went to the pool hall to meet the guys to do the robbery. There he and Gus get into a confrintation and there for everyone was kicked out of the pool hall. When he gets back home he changes clothes and went to his job interview at the daltons house.

This chapter bascilly shows you how Bigger lives his every day life. As you know Bigger is in his 20's and he has nothing better to do then go to the movies with his friends and masrerbate. After he left the movies Bigger went home. As you can he does not have much freedom, Because he wanted to sneak in his house so his mother would not ask him were he was going, After he left his house he went for a job interview, Which means he is trying to get his life together a little. So he would have something to do.

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